What was the message behind the latest bombardment on civilians?



However in last few months the American troop’s bombardment on Afghan innocent civilian has decreased but the latest of such incident in Khost province of Afghanistan killed women and children on (2014/April/15).

Now, the question is, when would the goals behind these bombardments on civilians get accomplished? Till which time the American troops, will be use this tool of pressure? And when will they revise their strategy? Currently the reports of such incidents are common, but the nature of these bombardments raises some questions. Hekmatullah Zaland; a political viewer has analyzed it as following:


Would the powerful killers face trial?

In Bonn conference there was a discussion over the transitional justice and the trial of war criminals, but should not the American troops who committed crimes in Afghanistan in past 13 years, face trial? Who will prosecute these international criminals?

Whenever innocent Afghan civilians are killed in airstrikes, only by calling these crimes as mistakes, all the justice has been dismissed. Calling these airstrikes and attacks as a mistake is itself an insult, why it should be called as a mistake? The main causes behind them should be clarified. Whether American troops want to deliver the message through these attacks and airstrikes that they are autonomous and no one can stand against them, or there are other goals behind it.

In past 13 years in each air strike and attack of American and foreign troops, tens and hundreds of afghan innocent civilians have been killed, which continues by drone attacks in recent years.

No one can reply to this question whether those who claim the protection of human rights and then commit such brutal crimes; will be prosecuted or not? Who will implement the transitional justice and hold a trial for them? Or the killings of Afghans are justified for everyone and it is not a war crime?

When such crimes happen, sometimes they even do not apologies and just call it a mistake. Currently Afghans think that their killing is justified for foreign troops and they are hopeless of prosecution of the war crimes. Till now, from the long list of the criminals, just Robert bells; an American soldier who killed 20 Afghan innocents has been trialed in a symbolic trial and jailed for a limited time.

The reaction of local Afghan authorities towards such crimes is also miserable. They try to misguide the public opinion in such cases.

 The reactions of most of the media and press are also alike, in last year airstrike over the check post of Afghan National Army in which five Afghan soldiers were killed, most of the media and press hided and did not publish its report.

This time as well, the American troops in an airstrike killed women and children in Khost province, while the local authorities in Khost said that this incident was because of military exercises. But in fact the troops are committing these crimes in accordance with their plan and try to deliver specific messages.


Killing innocents a tool in hand of American authorities:

When innocent people lose their lives in a war, its cause is mostly apparent; but bombarding residents and civilians without a specific reason, deliver other messages. Apparently no one can accept those bombardments over tens and hundreds of civilians despite all the protests and objections, as a mistake. These kinds of attacks on civilians clarifies that killing of innocent civilians is one of the tools in hands of America to impose their demands.

Some three months ago, when the president Karzai rejected to sign the security pact with US, the American troops bombarded residents and civilians in Siagherd district of Parwan province and killed around 20 innocent civilians. The presages showed that it was a response to the position of the president Karzai.

Since the foreign troops came to Afghanistan and the bombardments of a wedding ceremony in Dehrawood of Urozgan to last week’s incident, the attacks continued in one or another way, even in such airstrikes the ANA check posts have been targeted.

 In the current sensitive and important era, the matter of the American interest in the next president’s government and the destiny of the security pact along with other issues show that America will use this tool when they see the disagreement with their demands.

Soon after Afghan presidential election, such a bombardment and the actions of the Americans troops deliver the message that any kind of government ruling Afghanistan cannot affect their goals and will continue their selfish acts as currently they are doing.

Since these attacks are taking place repeatedly, could be a response of NO to the president’s demand that urged repeatedly for stopping airstrikes and night raids on residents and civilians and called on America to get honest steps towards peace in Afghanistan.

On the other hand America with the legend of the war on terror tries to secure their interests in the region, and make Afghans accept their demands. Their aim is to implement the modern colonialism through force and power in the whole region.


Is the strategy of America for killing changeable?

To the airstrikes and attacks of American troops on Afghan civilians, the president reacted repeatedly and called it in opposition of all agreements between two countries and finally he preconditioned signing the security pact.

This position of the president was effective in decreasing the number of airstrikes and attacks of this kind, but from the position of Americans appears that they do not have the will of stopping the killings of Afghans.

Before conduction of the national Jirga for consultation over the signing of the security pact, Barak Obama in his letter to Hamid Karzai said that American troops will not operate on civilians but there was the clause of exceptions, now when they kill the innocent people they will rely simply on that clause and would call it as exception.

Besides that, the bilateral security agreement after signing, gives the permission of the operation to American troops in its second article. This concern has appeared in the statement of President Hamid Karzai addressing the Jirga, “Americans in opposition with our expectation in last decade, have committed actions in opposition with the interests of our nation; they killed innocent people and overrun on the houses of Afghans. I don’t agree with that, but now if they continue such acts even after the signature of BSA, it would mean that I agree with them” said the president. It clearly delivers the message that if the pact gets signed, Afghans would not be safe from the bombardment of American troops.

In past years there was a big difference in sayings and actions of Americans, and the bombardments showed that they do not respect the protection and security of the Afghan people and do not respect the demands of the Afghan authorities.

If American troops according to their plan change the way of their war in Afghanistan and stay in their mass military bases, the Afghans still would not be protected and will get scarified for the interests of Americans. This is clear that until the time American troops have presence in Afghanistan, no one can expect that Afghan civilians get safe from their attacks.

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