CICA Shanghai Summit and Afghanistan

Ahmad bilal khalil

Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) members’ heads of state come together once in each four years for peace and stability in Asia continent, and according to them has impact on peace and stability not only in Asia but in the whole world.

Currently 26 countries are member of this treaty and 7 others with 4 organizations are participating in its summits as observers. Safeguarding of national territories, non-intervention in countries internal affairs and cooperation of the member countries in Economy, Society and Culture are the in the core of its vision.

The fourth summit of CICA was held in Shanghai, China on May 20-21, 2014 in which Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai also participated. CSRS’ Weekly Analysis Board have analysed different aspects of the summit and Hamid Karzai’s visit of China as following:



The first idea of CICA treaty was proposed by Nursultan Nazarbayev the President of Kazakhstan on October 5, 1992, during the General Assembly of the United Nations, and welcomed by most Asian countries. Later in 1999, 15 Asian countries including Afghanistan drew the foundational goals for CICA in Almaty.  

In 2002 the first summit of the conference was held in Almaty, during which the Almaty Act, the Charter of the CICA was signed by the presidents of the member countries. This treaty has been signed by Hamid Karzai from Afghanistan. The presidents of the 16 countries said in this summit that the member countries will pave the way towards peace and stability in the region. The heads of the member countries coming together in each four years and the foreign ministers hold summits in each two years. The first summit of the heads of the states held in 2002, the second in 2006 and the third in 2010.


The Scope of Interactions between Member States

According to CICA codes of conduct, the member countries are cooperating in the following five fields, in order to make steps towards trust building and resolution of conflicts in the region:

  1. Economy:

According to CICA 2004 catalog, the member countries must provide a share database for trade and economy, prevent illegal financial processes and share information on suspected custom processes, share the knowledge about natural disasters, which can affect the neighboring countries, also sharing information between heads of states to encourage world tourism and more coordination to contribute on disasters management effectiveness, and common projects between countries for economic development.

  1. Environment:

The member states not only develop programs for environment protection but implement these programs especially in border areas.

  1. Human Rights:

The member countries must not only share information about human smuggle but jointly cooperate to end it. The member states must contribute in strengthening the soft power of each other as granting scholarships for students and sending students to each other countries.

  1. New Challenges (Terrorism, Drug Smuggling, Human Smuggling, Illegal Finance and Illegal Trade of Weapons):

The member countries in accordance with their national law must cooperate for anti-terrorism struggle and prevent radical and separators. The member states will not only share information about war against terrorism, segregation, fundamentalism or organized crimes, but will provide mechanism for war against them. The member states must eradicate the drug and human smuggle or illegal finance. The member states must encourage the dialogue of traditions instead of conflict between traditions.

  1. Politics and Military:

For sustainable stability and trust building in political and military, the member states can cooperate in the following areas:

The member states will invite the military observers for military exercises, and participating in the cultural and sport events in each other countries.


The CICA Summit and Hamid Karzai’s China Visit

President Hamid Karzai traveled to China for a four days official visit, and participated in the CICA summit for two days. In this visit President Karzai met Chinese officials and his counterpart.

Chinese President Xi Jinping pointing out the the friendly interaction of China said that without the global and regional incidents China will have its friendly relations with Afghanistan and will increase the mutual cooperation, and also will encourage Chinese companies for investment in design of Silk Route, also will help Afghanistan in war against segregation, radicalism and terrorism. Xi Jinping in his statements added that China hopes a united, stable, developed and friend Afghanistan.

Hamid Karzai in response to the Jinping’s statements welcomed the brotherly relation between the countries and stated China as a trustee neighbor for Afghanistan. He said, I am confident that irrespective of who would be elected in the upcoming election, Afghanistan will have close relations with China. He expected China to play a constructive role in peace, stability and development of Afghanistan.

It seems that the fourth CICA summit will resolve the internal conflicts between Asian countries through negotiations and trust building.

China who will lead this treaty from 2014 to 2016 plays a significant role in the region, especially while the American troops leave Afghanistan. The same statements are made by UN General Secretariat as well and hoped that China will play a significant role.



The above analysis suggests that if CICA’s objectives and goal are properly achieved, it will have constructive role in Afghanistan issues.

Through the help of CICA, Afghanistan involved in conflicts with some neighboring countries might have an opportunity of confidence building with them. Besides, Afghanistan will take steps and will be able to play a key role in bringing peace, stability and development in the CICA region. The region, having great desire for the three, will also back play constructive role in Afghanistan.

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