The Election Of Masoud Pezeshkian As President Of Iran: Continuation Or Change In Foreign Policy

The passing of former Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi led to early elections, a scenario anticipated by the Iranian Constitution, which provides solutions under various articles to ensure continuity without destabilizing the system. Leadership changes for various reasons are common in any country, but these changes do not necessarily affect the pursuit of national interests. However, the methods and policies to achieve and maintain these interests may evolve.

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Following the introduction of tax exemptions and facilitations, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has raised the threshold of taxable revenues for businesses from 150,000 Afghanis to 2 million Afghanis and reduced the tax rate from 0.5% to 0.3% on amounts exceeding that threshold. This adjustment is set to take effect from the first day of Hamal 1403. These exemptions can have both positive and negative effects on the economy of Afghanistan. For example, they can improve the livelihoods of entrepreneurs and businessmen as the extra burden of consumption is lifted from their shoulders. Additionally, reduced consumption due to tax exemptions can lead to the development and improvement of businesses quantitatively and qualitatively, ultimately contributing to economic growth. Entrepreneurs can reinvest the exempted amounts into their businesses, leading to increased supply and employment in the economy, or they can spend it elsewhere, thus increasing demand. This simultaneous movement of supply and demand fosters economic growth.

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An assessment of the legal arguments in the “Revisiting The Durand Line: Historical and Legal Perspectives”

The Durand Agreement has created a conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and researchers and politicians from both sides argue in favor of their country, Pakistan gives reasons to approve the Durand Agreement and accept this border as an official border. Afghan researchers give reasons for not accepting it.

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Major Political Events in 2023 and Their Impacts on the International Order

2023 The year was the most important year of political, security, and economic problems and changes at the international level. In this year, the war between Ukraine and Russia intensified, the oppression of the oppressed people of Palestine reached its last limit, and Azerbaijan received Nagorno-Karabakh. The foreign policy of the United States of America regarding the Middle East has changed, and the inferiority, slavery, and helplessness of the Arab countries have been revealed. The position of the United States of America has been badly damaged at the international level due to the violation of human rights and its support for Israel. Economic developments took place in Afghanistan under the leadership of the Islamic Emirate, but the issue of girls’ education remained ambiguous. The region of the Islamic Emirate strengthened its relations, but its relations with Pakistan deteriorated a little on some issues, especially on forced migrants. The equations of the Middle East have changed a bit and all these events have made it easy to take steps towards the change of the international order and it is not far that the domination of the United States of America will end.

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The Islamic Emirate’s approach to engaging with the international community and its effects on recognition

There are international legal standards for the recognition of governments, but the recognition of governments is a political process and each country takes steps to recognize a new government based on its own interests. A strong central government, security and stability concerns, reduction in opium cultivation and production, regional economic projects, and the development of relations with neighboring and regional countries are what Afghanistan considers to be the cause and achievements for interaction with the international community. However, the suspension of girls’ education, women’s work, and the absence of an inclusive government are the problems that have closed the doors to the official recognition of the Islamic Emirate and are turning the international community away from engaging with the Taliban.

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