Do US Bombard its Own Bases? 


Based on Logar provincial authority’s expressions and airstrike of American troops in Sarkh district killed 5 national troops and wounded 17 others.

According to them the check post of ANA was operating previously by American troops.

After the intervention of foreign troops in Afghanistan above the bombarded families and villages they repeatedly commit incidents like in Logar province and later call it as a mistake and excuses with a “Sorry”. But in spite of such an advanced technology, is that possible to be a mistake? If that is not mistake than what will be the aim of such attacks?

Mohammad Zobair Shafiqi the political analyst and chief editor of Weesa newspaper have analyzed the issue in reply to the CSRS questions:

 Mistake or deliberate?

Since Americans bombarded a post that previously operated by them, and in spite of the advanced technology they consider as a mistake, but the mistake has its own definition and when it happens once because of some causes, measures taking place for its abandon, but when these mistakes repetitively taking place it means there is no will for its abandon or is deliberate action.

One of the reasons of the bombardment of the Afghan forces by Americans can be the latest opposition to the Bilateral Security Agreement “BSA”, because this position of Hamid Karzai is a big issue for them and they don’t like someone who opposes their desires.

Americans also exert some military pressure on president Karzai refusal to BSA, and also put pressures by their puppet and hireling media, stopped their aids, and tried to pretend that Afghan forces are not capable to do anything, and this attack was also considered as the continuing pressure from Americans.

Bombarding military posts, civilians and residencies, night rides on civilians and other acts like this are deliberate actions of Americans, in order to make get warm the current insecurity and instability and justify their presence in the region.

The offensive tangle of foreigners

After the bombardment of American troops on Afghan forces, they did not even apologize, and called it just a “mistake”. Why the American jets not mistakenly bombards American forces? That’s why the word “mistake” can mean insulting.

Americans were approaching in such insolence way from the very beginning; whish’s one root factor is the Afghan politicians who were intensively respecting the foreign embassies and authorities. If the Afghans become united in their position, the foreigners could not act in such illegitimate way, if they do so they will apology on the same day and will not repeat; but unfortunately now the abject position of some so-called Afghan politician that neglecting each brutal act of the foreigners caused that they encouraged more and continuing their acts against Afghans.  

The double standards of hireling media:

Since the media reflected and cover the incident of the attack of Taliban on Afghan security forces in Konar province, but they not covered in even a report of the Logar attack, while they were killed in Konar by their enemy and the incident of Logar was the killing by the allies, who claim that they secure Afghanistan and supporting the securing forces.

Afghans must not expect the hireling media which are feed by different sources that they reflect the crimes and brutal actions of their donors. As seen in last 13 years that the so-called civil society which has been raised by the dollars of the foreign countries and the media which propagating against national interest of Afghanistan they will also been not changed in the coming future.

The Security or insecurity pact?

In fact the bilateral security agreement cannot solve our problems. It rather creates problems. The international community committed treasons and persecuted our nation, the commitments that they made did were not true, and now when they talk about the friendship with Afghanistan, they must fulfill the needs and interests of Afghanistan for which there was not the will of that.

When even the military forces of Afghanistan is not protected, than what will mean the agreement with America or why will be called security agreement. The latest comments of the president Karzai also don’t mean other than that if there is not security in Afghanistan what will mean security agreement. When the life of the afghan nation is not protected the security pact is meant less and the justification of their aid is baseless.

On the other hand, if the security agreement exists or not, Americans do not have the will of withdrawing from Afghanistan, and as some American media is publishing reports that if the security pact not sign, America will stay in accordance with the previous agreements, and can find more such pretexts for staying here as now they are stayed with force and brutality.

But the agreements that Americans are relying on for staying here, were for short time and the Afghan parliament rejected that. The agreement signed with the ministers of foreign and internal affairs of the time, in the first years of American intervention, are terminated and all were abject agreements that are now meaningless.

The deadlines that Americans defining for their withdrawal we see coming and passing, president Karzai also knows that they are not going from Afghanistan; but if the resistance against them become strong and they leave the region ashamedly.

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